
Physical Preparation

Physical Preparation2023-02-08T10:55:29-06:00

You are embarking on the walk of a lifetime – a Walk to Mary.  

For whatever has called you to this pilgrimage, you must first train. This walk will not be easy. You must get yourself in walking shape.

Get Ready for the Walk to Mary

  Motivate yourself. You will have a much harder time walking if you aren't spiritually prepared. You have to want to do this long distance walk. Start out easy.  Depending on the shape you're in, you might be starting with a walk in a local park or a walk around [...]

By |December 10th, 2018|Categories: Endurance / Training Tips|Comments Off on Get Ready for the Walk to Mary

14 Tips for a Successful Pilgrimage

Follow these tips for successful training for the 22 mile Walk to Mary pilgrimage. Remember to take days off to rest to let your body recover. Find a good pair of walking shoes to use on your walk. Don't forget to break them in. You may want to consider double [...]

By |December 10th, 2018|Categories: Endurance / Training Tips|Comments Off on 14 Tips for a Successful Pilgrimage

Trial Run Reveals Insights

By Pat Deprey, Walk to Mary – Event Director, depreypatrick@gmail.com. A couple of weekends ago, Gary Kozloski, one of the 3 organizers of the event and I walked the Walk to Mary route.  Well, I have to admit, Gary walked the whole route and I met him at the first [...]

By |April 10th, 2014|Categories: Endurance / Training Tips|Comments Off on Trial Run Reveals Insights

Walk to Mary May 3, 2025

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