From Joseph to Mary to Jesus.

From Shrine to Shrine (National Shrine of St. Joseph at Old St. Joseph Church on the campus of St. Norbert College in De Pere, WI to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in Champion, WI), the Walk to Mary winds approximately 22 miles from De Pere, WI, along the banks of the Fox River and the Niagara Escarpment to the town of Champion, WI. This one-of-a-kind Pilgrimage proves to be a physical and spiritual test in perseverance for nearly everyone. The route has been customized into segments to suit your comfort and ability. You can easily join-in at any join-in point along the way. Starts at Old St. Joseph Church at 7am.

Walk to Mary May 3, 2025

Parking Information

NO PARKING available at St. Norbert College for event. ALL PARKING for event must be at Humana Office Complex.
1100 Employers Blvd, Green Bay, WI 54344
Start at 7:00am

Shuttle Bus

Shuttle bus will transport pilgrims from Humana to Old St. Joseph Church.
Shuttles run from 5:30am - 6:45am.


Old St. Joseph Church
St. Norbert College
123 Grant St. De Pere WI 54115
Start at 7:00am

14 Miles JOIN IN

St Peter and Paul Join In Point
710 N Baird St, Green Bay, WI 54302

Join at 9:30am

7 Miles JOIN IN

Holy Cross Join In Point
3009 Bay Settlement Rd, Green Bay, WI 54311

Join at 12:15pm

Break Area

Porta-potties, first aid, and water refill stations available every 1.5-2 miles along the entire route.

Break Area

Porta-potties, first aid, and water refill stations available every 1.5-2 miles along the entire route.

Break Area

Porta-potties, first aid, and water refill stations available every 1.5-2 miles along the entire route.

End Point

National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help
4047 Chapel Dr. Champion, WI

There are numerous masses throughout the day at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help – the normal Shrine mass is at 11:00am. There is a “children’s mass” at 12:30pm for families and individuals who are participating in the Walk with the Children. There is a mass at 3:30pm for anyone who wants to attend mass but must leave early. And, a mass at 5:15pm with Bishop David Ricken of the Diocese of Green Bay. Both the 3:30pm and 5:15pm mass count as your regular Sunday obligation.

Shuttle Bus

For safety reasons, a shuttle bus will transport pilgrims across Highway 57 to a point at approximately the intersection of Van Lanen Rd and Hemlock Rd.

Break Area

Porta-potties, first aid, and water refill stations available every 1.5-2 miles along the entire route.

The pilgrimage ends at the shrine,
but starts in your heart.

The pilgrimage ends at the shrine,
but starts in your heart.

Join-In Points

The route is divided into four segments, representing the four mysteries of the rosary. For pilgrims who cannot walk the entire distance you have options to start the pilgrimage at any of the “JOIN IN” points along the way!

0 Miles
National Shrine of St. Joseph, Old St Joseph Church, St. Norbert College, De Pere WI
0 Miles
Join in at St. Peter and Paul Parish, Green Bay WI
0 Miles
Join in at Holy Cross Parish, Green Bay WI
National Shine of Our Lady of Champion, Champion WI

If you join the pilgrimage at any of the “JOIN IN” points please make sure you arrive at that point before the other pilgrims arrive. See the Walking Pace below for estimated arrival times and directions. If you are “JOINING IN” at Holy Cross Parish, please arrive early to provide enough time to enjoy your lunch before starting the pilgrimage.

Transportation for Fatigued Pilgrims

Transportation will be made available to assist Pilgrims who struggle to complete the walk. Courtesy vans are available throughout the entire route to pick up, assist, and transport fatigued pilgrims who may be struggling. The goal is to move fatigued pilgrims forward to help them eventually get to Mary at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion. There will also be buses following pilgrims the last 7 miles all the way to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion. Buses are also available to either transport fatigued Pilgrims directly from our lunch location (Holy Cross Parish) to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion or back to SS Peter and Paul Parish or Humana Parking Lot.

Walking Pace

Walking at approximately 2.5 miles per hour the Pilgrims should reach the following locations at the approximate times shown.

  Location Time Miles to Go Map
START – Old St. Joseph Church 7:00AM 22 miles
St. Peter & Paul 9:30AM 14 miles
Holy Cross Parish LUNCH 12:15PM 7 miles
National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion 3:30PM 0 miles


A complimentary sandwich style lunch will be provided at Holy Cross Parish overlooking the Bay of Green Bay.
(Approximately the midway point of the pilgrimage.)

Busing & Shuttles

Shuttle buses are available starting at 5:30am – 6:45am from the parking area at Humana Office Complex to the starting location at Old St. Joesph church on the St. Norbert College campus. At the end of the pilgrimage, at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, shuttle buses will be available both before and after the 3:30pm mass and before and after the 5:15pm mass to take you back to any join-in location and the Humana parking area. Buses will run until approximately 8pm.

Walk to Mary May 3, 2025