Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2022-04-27T15:08:51-06:00
How long does it take to walk 22 miles?2023-05-09T15:33:44-06:00

It typically will take from 7:30am (the start of the pilgrimage) to 3:00pm-ish to get to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion.  Of course, it could take a bit longer assuming you are walking slower than the group leading our journey carrying the statue of Our Blessed Mother.

Coming as a large group in a bus?2024-02-22T10:30:50-06:00

Large groups participating in the Walk to Mary and using a bus for their group transportation must contact both the Walk to Mary and National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion representatives for additional drop off, pick up, and parking information.

Walk to Mary Contact
Pat Deprey
888.838.4514 (leave message and you will get a return call)

National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion Contact
Kathy Ciha
920-866-2571 ext. 113

We will need to know the following information:

  1. Name of Group
  2. Name of Group Leader
  3. Phone # of Group Leader
  4. # of pilgrims
What to do if a priest wants to concelebrate at a mass at the Shrine?2024-02-22T12:25:50-06:00

If a priest wants to concelebrate at any of the masses at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion – they must contact Kathy Ciha at the Shrine.

Kathy Ciha
920-866-2571 ext.113

Am I able to bring my dog on the Walk to Mary?2023-05-09T15:32:38-06:00

We certainly don’t want our pilgrims to feel we are not pet friendly, but only “Service Dogs” that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability are allowed on the Walk to Mary.  The Walk to Mary is a spiritual pilgrimage, not a sporting or exercise event.  Furthermore, it is the policy of the bus company we use to transport pilgrims that only service dogs are allowed on the buses.  Additionally, the service dogs must be approved by the bus company on a case by case basis.  The National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion does allow pets on-site but they must be on leashes.  Service animals are allowed on all grounds and buildings and in the chapel.

What time does the Walk To Mary start?2022-01-21T10:42:27-06:00

The Walk to Mary starts at 7:00am at Old St. Joseph Church on St. Norbert College campus. There is a prayer service and blessing before the walk starts. See more details about the day’s schedule of events on The Walk To Mary – Schedule of Events.

Are there bathrooms along the way?2022-01-10T11:43:41-06:00

There are porta-potties, water stations, and first-aid available along the entire route, every 1.5 – 2 miles.

Is lunch included or should I pack my own lunch?2025-01-23T19:58:50-06:00

Lunch is included – sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, water, and fruit.  If you require gluten-free options we suggest you bring some snacks or food along to accommodate your personal needs.

What are the logistics surrounding the Walk with the Children?2023-05-09T15:38:22-06:00

Where do I need to go? What time should I get there?

Pilgrims start and end at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion for the Walk with the Children.  The walk begins at the St. Joseph Grotto and ends at the Apparition Grotto on the Shrine’s grounds.

Pilgrims participating in the Walk with the Children are invited to attend a 12:30pm CST children’s mass at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion.  Immediately following mass pilgrims will begin the Walk with the Children.

Pilgrims who do not attend mass can either start with the larger group beginning right after mass or they can do the Walk with the Children completely on their own any time after mass until 3:30pm CST.

Can you clarify how the “fatigued pilgrim shuttles” work?2023-05-09T15:38:10-06:00

Transportation will be made available to assist Pilgrims who struggle to complete the walk.  Prior to our lunch stop, Holy Cross Church/Parish, there are numerous courtesy vans available to assist pilgrims to continue to move forward along our route.  At Holy Cross Church, our lunch stop, there are buses available to transport fatigued Pilgrims directly to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion. There will also be a bus available to transport Pilgrim’s back to their starting point – either SS Peter and Paul parish or the Humana parking location.

I’m interested in helping promote the Walk to Mary at my parish, who should I contact?2022-01-21T10:49:04-06:00

We have Walk to Mary Ambassadors from many parishes throughout the country doing just that – promoting the Walk to Mary within their parish and community.  We can supply you with promotional materials to help us get the word out. Please give us a call or send us an email in the “Contact Us” area and let us know you are interested in helping by being a Walk to Mary Ambassador.

How can I get added to your mailing list?2020-02-01T14:14:58-06:00

You can send us an email on our “Contact Us” form and let us know you’d like to sign up for our Newsletter and emails.

How many people have attended the pilgrimage?2024-01-03T16:32:11-06:00

The Walk to Mary started in 2013.  In its first year there were 350 pilgrims participating in the journey.  In 10 years (2023), it has grown to over 5,500 pilgrims coming from 44 different states. We have even had pilgrims come from Mexico, Canada, Spain and Africa.

What time does Mass start? Will it count as our Sunday obligation?2022-01-21T10:52:44-06:00

There will be three masses – one at 12:30pm primarily for the families and individuals who are doing the Walk with the Children, one at 3:30pm for anyone who wants to attend mass but must leave early.  And, the regular mass that starts at 5:15pm celebrated by Bishop David Ricken of the Diocese of Greeen Bay.  The 3:30pm and 5:15pm mass counts as your regular Sunday obligation.

Can people with wheel chairs participate in the pilgrimage?2020-02-01T14:16:58-06:00

Are the buses able to accommodate wheel chairs?

Pilgrims who require wheel chairs have participated in the pilgrimage.  There are buses available to accommodate and transport people with wheel chairs.  We encourage you to contact us via the “Contact Us” page on our website or by phone to let us know you will be bringing a wheel chair.  By knowing the requirements we can make sure we have adequate busing accommodations. Unfortunately, we do not provide wheel chairs.

Where should we park if we are going to start the walk at a “join in” Point?2023-05-09T15:36:53-06:00

There is parking available at every one of our “join in” points – SS Peter and Paul Parish and Holy Cross Parish/School. If you are joining in for the Walk with the Children you need to park at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, that is where the Walk With the Children begins (and ends).

What happens at the Shrine once we get there?2022-01-21T10:56:04-06:00

The first thing you will need to do is pick up your lapel pin and medallion (if this was the first time you completed the pilgrimage) as you enter the Shrine grounds.  These are wonderful souvenirs.  Masses are held at 12:30pm, 3:30pm and 5:15pm CST. Depending on the time you arrived you can find the confession areas and receive the sacrament of reconciliation. You can spend time in the Shrine gift shop or the cafe.  You can visit and pray in the crypt where the Shrine of Our Lady resides and where the apparition occurred. You can rest and relax your body from the long journey.

Is it too difficult for younger children to walk the entire route?2022-01-21T10:58:13-06:00

The entire journey of 22 miles is certainly a challenge for everyone, especially children.  However, many children have walked the entire route. Some families bring strollers or burleys to assist their children should they get tired.  Like adults, children should train to ensure they are physically prepared for the journey.  As an alternative, you can participate in the Walk with the Children which is designed for familes with small children.  That route is only 1.7 miles long.

Can we bring a stroller for our children?2020-02-01T13:44:45-06:00

Will we be able to cross Hwy 57 with the stroller in the bus?

Yes, many parents and grandparents bring strollers for their children.  You will be able to store the stroller in compartments under some of the buses.  Make sure you board a bus that is able to accommodate a stroller.

Can I ride bike along the route?2023-05-09T15:33:52-06:00

No, we don’t allow people to ride bikes nor do we allow people to run the route the day of the Walk to Mary. This is not a sporting event. This is a walking spiritual pilgrimage.

In our Walk to Mary prayer we pray:

Just as the three Kings journeyed from the East to find Christ;
Just as Jesus, Mary and Joseph travelled by foot from Nazareth to the Temple in Jerusalem;
Just as Peter and James and John hiked up the mountain all day with the Lord;
Just as Christian Pilgrims have trekked across Europe and the Middle East to the Holy Places;
Just as Saint John Paul II voyaged to all mankind to find Christ and bring Christ;
So too we set forth on foot today, starting at the National Shrine of St. Joseph and Walking to Mary, to visit the grounds made holy by Our Lady of Champion, Queen of Heaven, as we commit ourselves to answering her call to “teach the children what they need to know for their salvation.”

What if I change my mind about my starting point? How do I let someone know that I’ve changed my mind and will be starting at a different spot?2018-12-05T22:10:03-06:00

It would be nice to know if you changed your mind about your starting point. Via the “Contact Us” section of the website you can send us a message indicating your change.

Is there same day registration available?2018-12-05T22:08:23-06:00

We prefer that registration take place before the day of the pilgrimage. However, in very rare cases we will accept registration on the day of the Walk to Mary.

Do you have to sign in or check in someplace before you start the journey?2018-12-05T22:02:14-06:00

There is no requirement to check in someplace before you start your journey.

What are the registration fees used for?2020-02-01T14:26:26-06:00

Registration fees are used to help offset the costs associated with the Walk to Mary. The larger expense items for the Walk to Mary are transportation and busing costs – porta pottie, equipment and tent rental – marketing and advertising costs – food and beverage costs – pilgrim souvenirs including lapel pins, medallions and collector cards – police, county highway department, and emergency rescue services.

What if we have a larger group that wants to participate? Is there a way to register the entire group?2022-01-06T08:39:05-06:00

We have larger groups participating in the Walk to Mary all the time. We have some tools, like a customized Excel spreadsheet, that you can use to register people from your group. Contact a member of our Walk to Mary staff at 888-838-4514 for more information.

Can I park at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion early in the morning? If so, is there a bus to take me to the start of the Walk to Mary?2023-05-09T15:36:24-06:00

You can certainly park at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion early in the morning only in designated areas. You must contact the Shrine Staff at 920-866-2571 ext. 109 to get approval and instructions.  Please note, at this time, there aren’t any buses to take you to the start of the Walk to Mary.

Can I park overnight at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion?2023-05-09T15:36:14-06:00

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion DOES allow limited parking overnight in designated areas on Friday and Saturday of the Walk to Mary weekend.  You must contact the Shrine Staff at 920-866-2571 ext. 109 to get approval.

Can I drop someone off at the start or do they need to park at Humana parking lot and take a shuttle to the start?2018-12-11T19:04:05-06:00

You can certainly drop someone off at the start. Since parking is not allowed on campus at St. Norbert College for Walk to Mary pilgrims, we have a volunteer who monitors vehicle traffic entering campus. Simply let the volunteer know you are dropping someone off and you will be allowed through.

How do I get back to my car?2022-01-21T11:09:45-06:00

Both before and after the 3:30pm and 5:15pm masses pilgrims are transported by bus back to the point at which they started and Humana parking area.

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