Our Blessed Mother Showed Us….
A Beautiful Day Is Not Dependent On The Weather
On Saturday, May 6th 2023…
…5,503 pilgrims from 45 states and 3 countries…
...walked 76,934 total miles!
That's a little more than THREE TIMES around the world!
That is a little over THREE TIMES around the world!
+ Along with 258 Volunteers assisting
+ 43 Buses and Vans transporting
+ Family and friends joining
there were
7,200 people
who visited Mary at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion!
Jesus fed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish.
For us to care for 5,000, it took…
A Spiritual Pilgrimage
We walk because life is a journey of discovery and revelation, not a destination. Along the way, we tire, toil and triumph. We empty ourselves out, making room for the Holy Spirit to expand within us. When we arrive, tired and exhausted, we encounter the Shrine of Our Lady of Champion as a refreshing oasis along life’s journey, offering respite for all who are weary and thirsty.
Hover or click on the box to reveal more information!
Fifteen priests in four locations heard over 52 hours of confession!
Prayer Intentions
Fr. Rocky of Relevant Radio carried over 12,000 prayer requests from people around the world and brought them to Mary.
The Rosary
100,000+ people joined us for Relevant Radio’s LIVE Family Rosary Across America on the night before the walk.
New Friends
With 5,503 Pilgrims in attendance, many new friends have been made among the body of Christ.